Thermal Solutions

Conserving energy is always dramatically more efficient than producing new usable energy by any means. Sustainable Environmental Solution is developing an expanding repertoire of thermal energy conservation technologies.

Inovues Secondary Windows

Improving your building envelope is key to an efficient, electrified building. It enables right-sized heating and cooling systems and cleaner heat pump technologies.

Don’t just take my word for it. The CUNY Building Performance Lab ranks window and facade upgrades (bottom right) as an immediate priority for energy-audited buildings, ahead of heating, solar, lighting, green roof, and sub-metering upgrades:


  • Synergy: Efficient facades significantly reduce energy demand and peak loads, enabling smaller HVAC systems and lowering equipment costs. They also enable heat pumps to operate across a variety of climates & building types, a huge benefit considering heat pumps can reach 300%+ efficiency compared to <100% for gas furnaces.
  • Fast Payback: Independent studies show that combining window retrofits with heat pumps can reduce payback periods to as little as 3.1 years.  


  • Rising energy costs
  • Lower asset values and profitability
  • Occupant demand for sustainable, comfortable spaces
  • Carbon legislation
  • Electrification mandates


INOVUES’ non-invasive window retrofits can increase energy efficiency by up to 40%, reduce GHG emissions by 30%, and improve sound control by 70%. 

Our most recent project at the University of Minnesota demonstrated a 19°F temperature difference between retrofitted and original windows:


Greater than ever public and utility incentives are currently available to dramatically reduce the upfront costs of building envelope retrofits and heat pumps, but they are time-limited. 

 Schedule a call with me today to discuss your building’s energy use and affordable, incentivized energy efficiency technologies that can put you on the path to budget-smart electrification. 

Other Interior Window Option

Magnetite Canada Acrylic Interior Window Systems

Magnetite Canada manufactures an extensive line of customized interior acrylic window improvement systems that reduce energy losses, eliminate condensation with its zero air leakage magnetic seal and reduce outside noises to improve comfort and productivity. Utility incentives are available for custom solution projects that can be energy modelled prior to your purchase to show the savings potential while keeping your existing windows.

GlassCell Isofab Inc.

GlassCell Isofab manufactures and fabricates an extensive line of standardized and customized thermal insulation systems for steam, hot water and chill water piping as well as for ducting systems of all shapes and sizes.

Heat Saving Systems

Heat Saving Systems distributes a wide array of air doors and air curtain for pedestrian and freight entrances. System can be heated electrically or by hot water piping connection of can be unheated using ambient air. See:

Air Door Incentive From Enbridge

Embridge Gas Distribution currently offers $300 per double door incentives for double wide door pedestrian untrances, but this incentive is currently scheduled to expire in December 2011.

Thermal Insulation Association of Canada (TIAC)

Sustainable Environmental Solutions works closely with the Thermal Insulation Association (TIAC), the industry organization representing the thermal pipe insulation sector to promote the conservation and operational benefits of thermal pipe insulation.